Spotted Online – iGear’s UFO not-Cosmos Unofficial Transformers Toy Pics

After their awesome Rager (review here) and Spray (review here) unofficial Transformers toys, third party toymaker iGear (website, Facebook) is sharing more pics of not-Cosmos, UFO . . . and I am totally buying this toy!

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The toy appears to be inspired by the Cosmos character design as seen in IDW’s Transformers: International Incident* rather than the original toy, which is totally fine with me since that means we get a beefier and far cooler Cosmos than if they had just gone with the design of the squat original.

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Looking awesome, and I’m looking forward to getting this toy the instant it’s available. See this post at TFW2005 for more pics, and visit site sponsor TFSource’s iGear page for more of this company’s unofficial Transformers toys and accessories.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – iGear’s UFO not-Cosmos Unofficial Transformers Toy Pics

  1. @John Tottally agree man, that bubble helmet brings so much flavour to the character.

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