Affiliate Link – Avengers Movie Stark Tek Battle Vehicles

The 3.75-inch action figures packed with the vehicles don’t look all that cool, but the actual Avengers Movie Stark Tek Battle Vehicles* look pretty sweet to me. That Firestrike design — and the colors! — is my favorite of the two, but both look like fantastic toys. And I’m betting that G.I. Joe collectors could customize these into some fun new vehicles for Joe or Cobra.

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Powered by the same type of ARC reactor that grants the IRON MAN armor such amazing abilities, the FIRESTRIKE ASSAULT JET is whisper quiet and devastatingly powerful. With a mighty payload of repulsor missiles, and energy shields based on the IRON MAN armor’s own, it is an unstoppable aerial force!

CAPTAIN AMERICA has had some trouble adjusting to the modern era, but there’s one thing he loves about the 21st century – the state-of-the-art combat vehicles! The GOLIATH ASSAULT TANK combines speed, firepower, and indestructible armor into a single unstoppable assault package. With Cap at the wheel, this vehicle can demolish any opposition! Ages 4 and up.

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3 thoughts on “Affiliate Link – Avengers Movie Stark Tek Battle Vehicles

  1. I agree that these are both pretty cool looking, I’ve spent some time debating whether to grab one or both. I’ll probably snag the Cap tank eventually because heavy tank vehicles always sucker me in the end.

  2. This is going to be something that I am going to wait to go on sale for sure. I like them but with all the crap I have been buying lately i need to wait for some sales now.

  3. The Justice Jet – the Captain America: TFA version of the Stark Jet – is popping up at clearance stores like Ross. But the Iron Man colouring here is much cooler.

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