Savage Warrior Beast Raider Savage Dungeon Playset at eBay UK

Savage Warrior Beast Raider Savage Dungeon is a hell of a long title for a toy, but when you see the photos in this eBay UK listing I think you’ll see why I just had to share this one with everyone. I’m not completely clear on the scale of the toys, but if these action figures are anywhere near to scale with Masters of the Universe action figures then this would make an incredible base for a custom playset.

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Click through to the listing on eBay UK for more photos of the boxed set. And then see Savage Warrior Beast Raider at Virtual Toy Chest for more photos of toys in the series. Definitely a cheap line of toys, but I doubt anyone would disagree with me when I say that the Savage Dungeon playset really does look like fun.

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3 thoughts on “Savage Warrior Beast Raider Savage Dungeon Playset at eBay UK

  1. I think these are part of the Chap Mei lines. Very cheap but solid with lots of good texture. Great custom fodder!

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