Spotted Online – Interview With Battle Beasts Comic Writer Bobby Curnow

See the interview at CBR for some ideas of what writer Bobby Curnow is planning for IDW’s new Battle Beasts comic book (first mentioned here). And then read the preview at the official Battle Beasts website to form your own thoughts on the work.

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The preview comic is okay and promises a lot, the interview is entertaining, but it’s one line in the opening to the interview that really jumped out at me:

In 2009, Diamond Select Toys captured the name of Battle Beasts.

That word “captured” meshes nicely with some rumors I have heard that Diamond Select Toys doesn’t have any rights to the characters or designs of the original Battle Beasts line and that they simply took advantage of US trademark law to snag the title “Battle Beasts.” We’ll see what really happens with the comic and toys, but I would love it if anyone could confirm the rumor about the situation behind this new line. Did Diamond just grab an abandoned trademark, or are they really in possession of old copyrights?

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