Warning: Upcoming Travel

As if the office Kickstarter project for Ogre wasn’t enough to drain the time I have for working on battlegrip.com I also have two trips in the next 30 days.

1. Next week I’ll be at Botcon in Dallas. My original plan was to be there for the entire show . . . that has changed. My thinking is that I’ll drive to Dallas early Thursday morning and spend Thursday and Friday at the show.

2. Early in May I head back to Hong Kong for nine days. This trip will include a visit to China where I’ll tour the factories where our games are made. I’ve also scheduled myself for two days off in Hong Kong so that I can have a little downtime and toy shopping time while I am there.

And travel doesn’t end there. After the trip to Hong Kong I’m scheduled for five office trips before the end of August and a vacation in Cancun in July.

Sorry, guys, but it looks like the updates here will continue to be less frequent than I like I hope you all understand. And I hope that photos from Botcon, Hong Kong, and Cancun will kinda make up for the lack of reviews.