Kickstarter – Final Day of the Parsec RPG

I mentioned this project a few days ago (post here), but today’s your last chance to jump in on the Parsec RPG on Kickstarter. Man, every time I see that cover art it makes me think how much fun it would be to still be writing roleplaying game supplements . . . but, realistically, what I’m doing now consumes so much time that I arguably shouldn’t even be trying to run this website.

Visit Kickstarter!

And in case you have no idea what sort of RPG material I used to write you can always check this search at e23. NOTE: e23 is the Steve Jackson Games PDF site, I am Chief Operating Officer at Steve Jackson Games, and that means this entire paragraph is a double plug for both my job and my personal work. Hmmmmm. Do I really need to write “disclaimers” like that?

Anyway, congrats to the Parsec roleplaying game on passing 300% of their goal.

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