Warlock’s Bounty Gamebook App

Fans of the old “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style games who own an Android device may want to take a peek at Attic Squad and their Warlock’s Bounty game. It looks like the game is still at the testing phase, but the idea of combining cards with interactive fiction — and all of it electronically — sounds worth a closer look. Neat . . . but I do kinda wish it was a physical book and cards rather than an app.

You are a mighty wizard, once apprenticed to the sorcerer Corax Whiteraven, guardian of the lands of Lloegyr. When Whiteraven’s familiar appears out of the blue carrying an urgent message from its master, you embark upon a mission that will test your mettle and magical abilities to the full. For Lloegyr’s guardian – the greatest sorcerer of them all – is in danger, and needs your help!