Franken Berry Reviews at Battlegrip

Franken Berry and Boo Berry cereal
Franken Berry and Boo Berry cereal (Photo credit: Scorpions and Centaurs)

Why, oh why would anyone ever think it’s a brilliant idea to review so many Franken Berry toys all at once? I cannot begin to guess why my brain would ever do such a thing, but as some of you no doubt noticed I took a little time over the last few weeks to review four Franken Berry toys in a row. And if we add in the couple of earlier Franken Berry reviews then we find ourselves at a neat half-dozen reviews of the pink monster.

That’s just not right.

And it may not be an official Franken Berry toy, but there’s also the Fungah Berry Version review for a peek at a vinyl toy with a very Franken Berry-like look. I am so happy I grabbed that toy when I did, maybe even happier now then I was when I first bought it.

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