Attempting a Resin Toy

As everyone reading this knows, I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into resin toys. Well, it’s time to take a shot at constructing a resin toy of my own. Here’s an earlier shot of the sculpt (before sanding) but it gives you an idea of what’s coming. I handled most of the sculpt and my wife, Gina, is working on sanding and cleaning the piece.

The arms are already in the mold process and once this guy’s finished we’ll produce six of them (one to keep and five to sell). I’ll post new pics once there’s a completed version of him.

resintoy 020

9 thoughts on “Attempting a Resin Toy

  1. Oh man… that is just too much! I LOVE it! What size is he going to be? Is he going to have any articulation? I’m so happy for you that you finally got to this stage of things! He looks like a Skeksis Battle Mech– if there was such a thing! Ha! Love it!

  2. Thanks, guys. He’s gonna be painted up with reds and blacks and have wires on his back. He’s almost 7-inches tall.

  3. I forgot to mention that he’s designed with four points of articulation. Designed; we’ll see how it works out as the pieces of resin come together.

  4. I love the way he looks.
    @monsterforge–“a skeksis battle mech” that is an awesome idea.

  5. Oh wow… making your own toy! That is so cool. Nifty design, too. I look forward to seeing how he (she? it?) turns out! 🙂

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