Justice League at VIPS in Cancun

Gina and I stopped at a local chain to grab a snack and I was surprised when they handed us these Justice League napkins. Not so much that they had napkins with superheroes on them — superheroes are everywhere here in Cancun — but more by the fact that they were DC heroes and not Marvel heroes.

You see, something I’ve noticed is that Marvel seems to be much bigger here. I see a lot of Marvel toys, notebooks, towels, shoes, shirts, and even comics in Spanish. For DC it’s either Batman or Superman, but I haven’t seen a single DC comic book in Spanish. It’s almost as if DC just doesn’t even try to market their books here.

Something else that was a bit of a surprise was that you could buy books, magazines, and toys at the restaurant. As Gina described the place it was an “IHOP with a gift shop” built in. Very unexpected.
