One Intergaladiator Left at Monstrehero!

Remember the post about Monstrehero and Dead Presidents? Well, there’s still one Intergaladiator left over at the Monstreshop. $75 for hand-cast resin art.

Click to visit the Monstreshop!
Click to visit the Monstreshop!

2 thoughts on “One Intergaladiator Left at Monstrehero!

  1. I was actually planning on getting one of these, but I wasn’t expecting it to be $75. Oh well, that is the price of art, unfortunately I was just wanting a cool looking toy.

  2. @clark – I know what you mean. I’m hoping that some of the better resin toys (and I think this would qualify, since the design looks very fun) will get picked up by someone can released as vinyl toys. If these guys were $25 or $30 in vinyl I’d have a couple of them.

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