Kickstarter – The Infected Webcomic

Closing in less than two days, the Infected Kickstarter project has an art style that makes me think of a blending of Ted McKeever with Keith Giffen’s work on Trencher. Basically, an art style that has me excited and makes me hope that this gets enough buzz to actually succeed.

See the Kickstarter page and the Infected website for more on the project. And if you like the art style please considering jumping in and backing. Even $1 could help make this real.

Visit Kickstarter!
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3 thoughts on “Kickstarter – The Infected Webcomic

  1. It’s funny, the second I saw this post my first thought was “Giffen!” quickly followed by “No, is that McKeever?!?” lol. Really liking this David Mims guy. Gonna keep an eye on him now that he’s on my radar.

    Looks like a cool project, really like the idea that only the super heroes/villains are turning into zombies. Plan to read the webcomic shortly and then probably back the project.

    Once again, thanks for bringing a cool Kickstarter to my attention! 🙂

  2. I thought that I’m the only one on this planet to still remember Trencher by Giffen, lol, well, i recently think on it a lot while drawing! I hope there will be somewhen a collected Trencher out there (c’mon, Image! it’s your 20th birthday!!)

  3. Hilarious. I figured I was the only one who remembered — or even thought of — Trencher. I also loved Giffen’s work on “Images of Shadowhawk.” It’s too bad that the series never went beyond three issues; I liked the “Legends of the Dark Knight” idea behind the series.

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