Review – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello

And with Donatello we come to the end of the four turtles. So far I’ve reviewed a total of five toys in the new new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toy line ( search*) and I’ve been mostly happy with the line. (Night Shadow Leonardo (review here) was a bit of a disappointment.) And after reviewing and loving the other three turtles in the line — Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo — I’ve about said all I can said about the basic turtle action figures.

Which means that you’re in luck! All I’m going to do is suggest that you read my earlier reviews, take a close look at these photos (click each one for a much larger version of the image), and then rush out and buy all four turtles action figures. The Shellraiser (review here) is technically an optional piece, but once you have all four turtles and start looking for a proper home for them I think you’ll want to take a very close look at the Shellraiser.
Playmates did an amazing job on this line. Action figures, small vehicles, a large vehicle, and a playset? Yeah, I’m impressed. We don’t see toy launches like this all that often these days.

Philip Reed needs to next review the non-turtles action figures. He has a Foot Soldier and Kraang just waiting to jump in the spotlight.
i snagged one of the Classics today in the comicstore (i think they might have available through Diamond Previews – so yep, if no supermarket has them in US – comic stores have them – if ordered) aaaand long story short: it feels like a bland piece of articulation and makes me want to enjoy a cool sculpted toy more than having a load of joints in a weird size.
Hope the ‘cartoon’ series ones here holds up for a wave at least!