Transforming Collections Ends in 56 Hours

We’re down to 56 hours on the Transforming Collections Kickstarter project and coming to the end of the funding stage of the book. Once this closes then I’ll be able to create the final outline (I need the page count locked in before making final decisions about content), and then the actual work of assembling photos and writing the text can take place.

Transforming Collections Toy Reference Book -- Kicktraq Mini
At this point the book has interviews with some third party designers, original artwork, and is bulked out bigger than it ever would have been without the help of all of the supporters. Thank you, everyone, for all of your support during this Kickstarter campaign.

And if you haven’t yet backed the project please take a look at it and consider joining us. If you’re at all a fan of Transformers toys I think you’ll like the final book once it ships in December.

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