Orlando Sun, Wind, and Rain

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I’ve been in Orlando the last few days for work, attending a distributor show where I’ve been talking games and showing off some upcoming releases like Castellan and Dino Hunt Dice. The show went great and I ended up getting the afternoon to wander through book stores and a comic store. No cool finds in the book stores, but at the comic store I did wind up grabbing Road Rage* which I’ll probably sit down and read tonight.

Sorry about the lack of updates over the last few days, but tomorrow I’ll be back home and getting back to working on making sure the site’s got plenty of nonsense to keep you all entertained. I’ll also be jumping back on Transforming Collections, though I did get time today to work on some more photos for the book. It is a big job, but in the end it will be totally worth it to have that hardcover introduction to third party Transformers toys and accessories on my shelf.