Spotted Online – Mattel’s Push to Make Castle Grayskull

Tomorrow’s the final day for the Castle Grayskull push at Matty Collector. Soon we’ll know if the new Masters of the Universe Classics playset will be a reality . . . or if it’s destined to never exist. At the moment I’m thinking this will succeed.

But if you need another push toward the playset take a look at this forum post. Mattel’s pulling out all of the tricks and doing what they can to capitalize on fan emotions and make as many of us pre-order the castle as possible. And mine is on pre-order and I even went so far as to contribute my own little Castle Grayskull comic to the cause. Why? Because it was fun and I’d love to see this get made.

So check the forum post and then keep an eye open. We’ll know more in a few days.

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