New Unofficial Transformers from iGear Available for Pre-Order

The latest four releases in iGear’s Mini-Warriors line are now up for pre-order at the official iGear Toys shop. Two sets of two transforming robot toys, each set priced at $75, is how iGear is selling the toys and it’s looking to me like they’re continuing the great work that has come before. I have these pre-ordered now and can’t wait for them to join the other Mini-Warriors toys in my collection.

Visit iGear Toys!

For those of you still unfamiliar with the series here are the Mini-Warriors reviews I’ve posted so far:

Visit iGear Toys!
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3 thoughts on “New Unofficial Transformers from iGear Available for Pre-Order

  1. I’d seriously consider pre-ordering these from instead of iGear’s own store. When I’ve run into Q/C issues with IGear, there is zero communication, (both through their websites email, and even on Facebook: stonewalled every time) acknowledgment, or resolution from them.

    BBTS on the other hand (who will carry these non-exclusives) has amazing customer service, going as far to replace broken or missing parts, or actually offer refunds.

    I like iGear’s figures, and I’m fine paying 3rd party prices for cool bots – but broken in the box toys with no avenue of replacment really upsets me.

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