Spotted Online – McDonald’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys!

I somehow totally missed that McDonald’s will be bringing us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys this month. How could I ever miss something as silly and fun as this? Yeah, I suck. Fortunately, this post at Crooked Ninja alerted me to the new toys and now it’s time I wander into a nearby McDonald’s and see what I can find.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – McDonald’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys!

  1. Meh… I’d rather stick with the real thing. The motor cycles do nothing for me and the little “Hero Clix” figures don’t do much for me either. They look neat for kids tho.

  2. @prfkttear – I think I may like the cycles the best of the two toy types. But it’s hard to tell until I see them up close.

    And it’s hard to tell how big these are by the pics.

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