Unofficial Transformers Jumpstarters Up for Pre-Order at Big Bad Toy Store

Topspin and Twin Twist join the future with the completely unofficial Demolition Crue at BBTS. Okay, these are clearly impressive-looking third party Transformers toys and I can see where everyone who owned one of the original Jumpstarters in 1985 will want these new toys. The set of two is $70 and set to arrive in March.

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6 thoughts on “Unofficial Transformers Jumpstarters Up for Pre-Order at Big Bad Toy Store

  1. If I am correct, this is this 3rd parties first release so I hope the quality is up to par. From the pictures I have seen and Peaugh review they look really nice and I hope they hold up. I still have my childhood ones and even though they are blocks they are on my favorite toys.

  2. What I am about to say is probably going to be considered insane by many, but here it goes anyway: I prefer the originals. Yes, articulation sucks, sculpts are what they are, but I just really enjoy the chunky look of the originals. These new ones do look great though, sharp details and sculpts. Just not for me, despite my love of the Jumpstarters.

  3. Wow! Robot modes look great on these guys! I’m not very impressed with their alt-modes, though (I’d even go far enough to say that I’m disappointed with them). I’d consider getting them just to display as robots, but with my transformers, I like to be able to transform and play with them. Gah! Now I’m torn.

  4. @Iron Panda – I can see that. These new designs don’t have the same squat charm as the original designs. I like the new look — and how they updated the originals — but I can easily understand why someone would prefer the original toys.

  5. The robot modes are really great–but they minimized or nearly eliminated what made the alt modes great: Twin Twist’s drills and Top Spin’s struts. Too bad. Had they kept those prominent I’d have totally gotten them on impulse!

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