Glyos System Buildman Concept Art and Mechanicals

More cool stuff from Onell Design the last few days as they wrap up 2012 and prepare for new toys in 2013. First up we get the Buildman Color Mechanicals, a peek at the production artwork the factory used to create the colors for the first release of Buildman toys way back in early 2009.

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Then we get a look at Matt’s Buildman concept art, the sketches he used to design the Buildman action figure. I always love concept art — just one reason I love that Masters of the Universe toy design book (reading post here) — and seeing more of Matt’s older concepts posted to the site just makes me want a Glyos book.

Who is with me?

Who else wants a Glyos System book that documents the first five years with behind the scenes stories, concept art, photos of the produced toys and customs, and maybe even a few new comics and some short fiction to make it one hell of a fun read?

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