Spotted Online – Incredible Battletech Toy Pics at ToyTent

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I know it has only been a few days since I last wrote about the 1993 Battletech toys from Tyco (see “Battletech Toys . . . Again) but I think everyone will forgive me when you see these excellent photos posted over at the ToyTent online store. The prices are considerably higher than I’d like to pay, but the photos really are excellent and give us a very good look at three of the toys in the line (with multiple shots of each toy).

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Seeing these photos really makes me wish I had given the line more attention when it was released twenty years ago and makes me want to contact the guys at Catalyst Game Labs and beg them to let me plan and run a Kickstarter project to launch a new line of Battletech toys. Yeah, like I have time to do that and a million other things.

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2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Incredible Battletech Toy Pics at ToyTent

  1. @PaxCybertron – Starcomm’s one of those lines I continue to stare at and be tempted by. The vehicles are pretty impressive.

    I’m betting the entire line would fail safety testing these days.

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