Spotted Online – A Guide to DoomKick

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Well, hell. My plan to post a page at — once the site update is complete — showing screenshots and offering suggestions on how to use the site is not gonna be quite as nifty as I thought it would be now that there’s a guide to the DoomKick site online. But my slowness is my own fault and now the best I can do is look like I’m copying DrRampageo and PrfktTear once is finished and I get my own instructive guide online.

But enough of me kicking myself. Read the DoomKick guide and then have fun exploring all of the reviews and posts over at the site. I’ll be here toiling away in the “bash my face against WordPress” mines.

Visit DoomKick!

I have noticed a lot of new faces popping up on the various incarnations of DoomKick so I wanted to give all you new guys and gals a quick rundown of what we are all about here at DoomKick. Keep reading to get all the details and find out how to obtain your secret decoder ring.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – A Guide to DoomKick

  1. Oh Man Phil! Great minds and all that I guess. once you get your post up I will have to repay the favor and link your Battlegrip guide once its up

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