Spotted Online – Kenner’s Star Wars SRV-1 Concept Art and Model


After looking at an unproduced Mini-Rig designed to attach to the Millennium Falcon (posted here) and an article on the original Star Wars Mini-Rig concepts (posted here) you might think it couldn’t get any cooler at Not true! As evidence of just how incredible awesome the Kenner “Star Wars Collection” designers were I direct you to the SRV-1 concept art and the SRV-1 concept model.


Designed as a Hoth vehicle used to haul Snowspeeders, the SRV-1 has everything going for it to make me happy. It’s an arctic vehicle with treads, it has fun concept artwork complete with a series logo and name, and there are enough photos of the concept model online that someone could work to scratch-build one of these as a custom toy. This is exactly the sort of information that should be in a book sitting on my shelves right now.

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6 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Kenner’s Star Wars SRV-1 Concept Art and Model

  1. That’s very cool indeed. It was Star Wars ”lore” that there was indeed a vehicle/escape pod that slotted into the front of the Falcon (although how I knew that, I’ve no idea – ditto on how Vader became Vader pre-Prequels, it was just something you’d assimilated from somewhere) so it’s cool to see Kenner would have confirmed that.

    It’s also interesting to see that Hasbro is releasing a line of Mini-Rig esque Class I Fleet vehicles. Although not as cool as the originals (as they’re based on existing designs, I think) they’re a nice little callback to the Kenner toys.

  2. @Iok – I’m going to keep digging and see what other Kenner prototypes I can unearth. Maybe the patent archives have some unproduced toys hiding in them.

  3. This looks more in line with the HISS Tanks & I’d get it for use for either Joes or even Cobra

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