Hasbro, Bring Me Blind Box Transformers Bot Shots!

Hasbro has proven they know how to produce blind-packaged toys. From My Little Pony Blind Bags* to Kre-O Blind Bags* to Blind Box Micro Muggs* . . . well, I think we can all see that Hasbro has the blind toys concept down.

Yesterday, while talking toys with Matt Doughty (Onell Design), we discussed an idea that I feel should be snagged by Hasbro and run with. An idea that would make me — and very likely many others — quite happy.

Bot Shots Must be Blind Boxed!

The Transformers Bot Shots series (Amazon.com search*), in my opinion, is just begging to be released as a blind box toy. A low price point, perfect for repaints and special treatments (like the translucent toys already in the line), and even with a simple game component, Bot Shots strikes me as a line that would benefit from being blind-packaged.

A Simple Idea

Transformers Bot Shots as blind box toys (bags wouldn’t work, since the toys would auto-transform and parts could break) isn’t a complicated or special idea. This is a simple approach to selling what appears to be — if store pegs and Hasbro’s design of completely new transformations is any indication — an already successful series. By mixing the new and old molds/transformation designs in a wave Hasbro can bring customers a variety of designs and increase the collectible nature of the toys . . . and reduce costs!

Reduce Costs?

Absolutely! One benefit to blind-packaged toys is that you need only a single package. That means less staff time on packaging, reduced film charges, and by dropping the need to see inside the package you use only one material in the packaging instead of two. And the box can even use a lighter weight stock than the current blister packs use; a little more savings!

Coming Soon?

The idea of blind box Transformers Bot Shots (Amazon.com search*) feels to me so simple and obvious that I keep thinking I must have missed an announcement. But at New York Toy Fair there wasn’t a blind box announcement, so that reveal must still be coming . . . but when?

Come on, Hasbro! You’ve got the tooling, you know how to do this job, and I am sure I’m not alone in enjoying the toys. Please get right on this and wow me at San Diego Comic Con with the reveal of blind box Transformers Bot Shots toys for fourth quarter. These would make awesome stocking stuffers for Christmas!

2 thoughts on “Hasbro, Bring Me Blind Box Transformers Bot Shots!

  1. Seems like a good idea! I think the blind bags work so well as a concept because they hit 2 different audiences. They appeal to the collector market, and at a price under $5, they appeal to the impulse buyers (they are cheap enough that parents can pick them up as a fun toy or as a way to keep their kid from constantly asking them for a toy). I assume the price point is going to be the main decision for the Bot Shots. Having to put these items in a box (albeit a cheap one) would probably cost more than the simple blind bag. If they can keep them to under $5 as well, however, I think this would be a home run for hasbro. If the materials, etc made the item cost more than $5, I don’t think they’d be able to capture enough of the impulse market to keep them successful (at least in Hasbro’s eyes). The collectors would scoop them up, I don’t know if that’s enough to keep this line going.

  2. @Paul – My only fear with the bag is that the toys would take some mechanism damage. I suspect Hasbro could stick with the $4 to $5 price I’m seeing for the singles even if they switched to boxes.

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