Kickstarter – “Puffed Shoggoths” – A H.P. Lovecraft Art Zine!

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The “Puffed Shoggoths” – A H.P. Lovecraft Art Zine! project at Kickstarter is trying to bring us all a 72-page book of B&W artwork inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft. At only $15 for the printed book I backed it instantly . . . and you should do the same if you’re a fan of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu and related beasties.

Fans of the horrific and the unknown, pay heed! My name is Trevor Henderson, and my Kickstarter co-organizer is Kathryn Bright! I’m assembling an art zine titled “Puffed Shoggoths – A H.P. Lovecraft Art Zine” that will be dedicated to the monstrous and mysterious world of H.P. Lovecraft, one of the worlds most influential horror authors!

“Puffed Shoggoths” will be perfect-bound, and will feature 72 pages of grey-scale artwork from over 50 amazing illustrators, artists and comic makers, all paying tribute to the bleak and terrifying world of H.P. Lovecraft. The cover will be in full-colour, on a thick card-stock of the highest quality.

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