Spotted Online – “A Better Deal for Night Shade Books’ Authors” at io9

io9 has been keeping all of us updated on the Night Shade Books issues over the last week or so, and the latest post at io9 makes it sound as if there’s some forward movement that could be good for everyone. Everything I’ve read online points to the biggest problems with the proposed deal being right and royalties, and this latest bit of news says that the royalty rates have been revised to offer all of the Night Shade authors a better deal.

I hope something works out here; I’d hate to see the line and everything it has built get broken into little bits and vanish.

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3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – “A Better Deal for Night Shade Books’ Authors” at io9

  1. I’ve been following this story too. Looks like the new publsihers are finally coming around–now it’s in the writers’ hands.

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