Author Says Osiris Trilogy to Continue

E.J. Swift, author of Osiris* (first mentioned here), has posted a note to his website to let everyone know that the series is continuing in the UK and that the recent Night Shade Books issues are not impacting the release of the series there. Good to know there’s a backup plan for me to grab the next book . . .

A quick note re Night Shade Books, my US publisher, and the proposed sale to Skyhorse/Start. If you haven’t heard about the Night Shade business, Tobias Buckell has a super-summary of what’s been going on over at his blog. A couple of people have asked me if this has any impact on the UK publication of The Osiris Project trilogy. The answer to this is no: I’m continuing to work on Books 2 and 3 and Cataveiro is currently scheduled for UK publication in September 2013. More updates on the US front when I know more.

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