A Year of My Life Coming Together

Many of you likely know that during the day I work as Chief Operating Officer at Steve Jackson Games. One of these days I should try to describe what’s involved in the day-to-day task of running a game company, but not until our Ogre Designer’s Edition project is completely finished and shipped out.

The great news today is that we’re even closer to being done with the last bits of the game. Over in a Kickstarter update our Ogre Line Editor, Daniel Jew, has posted photos of the finished game . . . and the game covers our conference room table! Check the update for an idea of how big a 25-lb. boardgame can be. Trust me, it’s a very big game.

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3 thoughts on “A Year of My Life Coming Together

  1. @John Maddening – From now until the world ends I will always play the “I’m the boss” card when it comes time to transport a copy of this game. So sorry, but this will not be coming with me next week.

    I don’t think this would fit in the overhead!

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