Poll – Help Improve My Reviews!

If you look over to the right column of the site you’ll see a new poll with two choices: “Photos.” “Text.” I’m trying to figure out which is most important to you when it comes to toy reviews so that I know where to focus the majority of my efforts when preparing a new review. Please vote!

I personally enjoy both the photos and the text, but of the two the photos take the most effort because I want to share nice shots of the toys. If I had the time I would include even more photos in each review. And the text is often a lot of fun for me to write; if I wasn’t having fun with the site I would just close it all down.

Anyway, please vote. And please leave a comment to let me know how you voted and what, if anything, you like about the toy reviews I’ve been posting to the site since late 2008.

12 thoughts on “Poll – Help Improve My Reviews!

  1. I voted photos, because I can usually decide whether or not I want to own something with some good shots at different angles.
    Of course, I love the text too; but I find text most useful when you share a particularly cool or surprising aspect, or to convey something that can’t been “seen,” like a toy feels cheap.

  2. Hmmm…this is a tough decision as I like having both of them there. I picked text as I’d rather have a well-thought out review as opposed to one that was just a ton of pictures, but some things just can’t be explained as well in text. Take Rager, for example. The arm transformation can be a bit cumbersome when written out, but just having the one picture where one are was transformed and the other was mid-transformation really clarified things.

    Bottom line, my preference is to err on the side of text, but with pictures to highlight the special parts.

  3. I voted photos too, but I definately think you’re getting the right amount of both in your reviews Philip. Rather than pics vs. word though, a better way to look at it might the actual criteria you focus on. Of course you have to cover the basics (sculpt, paint apps, articulation) but I find I appreciate your personal reasons for why you liked a certain figure or toy.

    Also, I’d be interested in stuff that you didn’t like! Probably doesn’t happen much since people tend to buy stuff they know they’ll like, but as a collector myself, there have been times where I was disappointed (Movie Bumblebee, I’m looking squarely in your direction.)

  4. I’d be as happy with more text, your current level of content is fine though, I find it to be quite good as is. I just like to hear a person’s thoughts and impressions for an item as much as I do enjoy looking at pictures from which I can draw my own conclusions. I like being able to sit down with a review and a mug of tea and enjoy a decent read. Ultimately I imagine it comes down to finding a decent balance which I believe you already have.

  5. Man, that’s tough. I voted text cause in this specific case I want to know your thoughts, cause I respect your view point. Plus, all reviews have a pic or 2 and if I want to see more I can always look online for other pics..

  6. I voted for text, as 1) I, too, enjoy reading (& living vicariously through) someone’s thoughts on a product (especially for toys that I’ll most likely never get myself) & 2) I usually read reviews at work, & the fewer pix, the fewer strange looks I get from people passing my office 🙂

  7. @clark – I try to make sure the writing in my reviews gets across my own opinions and whenever a toy has that “cheap” feel I think I always point that out. At least, I try to.

  8. @Paul – Transforming robot toys is one of the places where I think a great video review can really help. I’ve had several toys where I’ve resorted to searching video reviews for a clear look at how everything transforms.

  9. @Jay – I have posted some reviews of things I ended up not liking, but negative reviews just aren’t a lot of fun to write and I would usually rather spend my time on something I enjoy.

  10. I voted text but it was a hard choice. I enjoy your reviews as you do them and it’s really a mixed bad. If you are reviewing a repaint of a figure you have already reviewed then pictures are probably more important. Overall though I like reading your actual opinions on a toy and just simple stuff like when the Jumbo Hammerhead’s weapon was a little loose in his hand and you mentioned using the hair dryer to tighten it a tiny bit.

  11. @Philip – Yeah, you definitely get your opinion across in your reviews. Instead of saying what I find most useful in reviews, I should have said “that is my favorite part of your reviews.” I really like to know what your impressions are.

    I should probably change my vote to text, because when I voted I was thinking about what I find most useful in general (for all reviews online), but when thinking specifically about your reviews, I enjoy your thoughts.

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