Gentle Giant Announces Jumbo Vintage Zuckuss

4-LOM. Zuckuss. Whatever you want to call him, he’s up for pre-order! Of course I already pre-ordered; this makes the last of the six Empire Strikes Back bounty hunters and I refuse to miss out. Can’t wait for this one to arrive!

What’s funny is that I am way more of a Zuckuss fan than I ever imagined. Need proof? Just check out how many Zuckuss/4-LOM reviews I’ve posted over the years.

I’m not completely sure why I’ve always loved this character. I think a lot of it is the look, but I have to admit that once Tales of the Bounty Hunters* was released the Zuckuss/4-LOM story made me love them both even more. It’s a very fun read and I suggest you check it out while we wait for the new 12-inch scale figure to be released.

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