Spotted Online – Exclusive Transformers Sunstorm Coming to Toy Tokyo

We last saw the blind boxed Transformers toys way back during NYTF (posted here), and even though they aren’t out yet Toy Tokyo has an exclusive Sunstorm coming to SDCC . . . and coming to their site on Friday, July 5. You can see pics of the toy in this ToysREvil post. I strongly suspect you’ll also see pics of it here at because this entire series is getting tough to keep resisting.

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – Exclusive Transformers Sunstorm Coming to Toy Tokyo

  1. I just want 8 inch Kreons to go with my lego Star Wars clocks. Hopefully it’s more likely to get 8 inch lego justice league clocks. That’s my SD-ish toy of choice.

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