Spotted Online – Starscream with Targetmaster Waspinator Review at The Fwoosh

I’ve been sitting on photos of the Bumblebee from the series for weeks now, but with all of the work and travel lately I just haven’t had time to get a review online. Maybe laterish, but for now the best I can do is direct all of you to the Starscream review at The Fwoosh. I love the concept behind this series and even though Bumblebee has some problems — I really do owe you guys a review — the toy is still fun enough that I will be grabbing more of the releases from this subline.

Visit The Fwoosh!

Anyway, check the review at The Fwoosh for a lot of photos, a great explanation of why this character combo is absolutely perfect, and for a much better understanding of why I just love this line and truly respect Hasbro’s designers for bringing Targetmasters back in such a fun way.

Now for Pretenders!

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