Spotted Online – Classic Transformers Jumpstarters at The Fwoosh

The 1985 Transformers Jumpstarters (TFWiki) were always a little unloved in collecting circles, but all of that seemed to have turned around once Last Stand of the Wreckers* hit comic stores. And while the characters worked out pretty well in the comics, the original toys are still a bit blocky and chunky . . . as you can see in this post at The Fwoosh.

Visit The Fwoosh!
Visit The Fwoosh!

They’re actually pretty fun toys to this day; I’ve got mine on one of the shelves in the living room and the auto-transformation mechanism still works okay. And seeing the post at The Fwoosh was a blast since it’s always a treat to watch as someone digs into older toys. Combine that with the shots of the classic official toys next to the Mech iDeas unofficial Jumpstarters and the post is just a ton of fun to read through.

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