Spotted Online – Classic Palitoy Star Wars Action Figure Ad

Posted at Facebook by Open the Toy (website, Twitter) is this old Palitoy Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back action figure ad. The copyright date on the ad is 1982 and this is your chance (well, was your chance) to get action figure displays with photographic backdrops with stills taken from both Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

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Man, it’s kinda fun thinking back to that time before Return of the Jedi was released. A time when it was just the comic books and action figures to entertain our young (I was ten in 1982) brains. It’s too bad that we’re unlikely to ever again see a media event anything like Star Wars; in today’s world I just can’t see how Hollywood — of the public — would be willing to give anything the room to breathe and grow that Star Wars took advantage of in the late seventies and early eighties.

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