Spotted Online – Armordoc Review at Plastic and Plush

My own Armodoc from Onell Design hasn’t arrived yet (he should be here soon, though) but that doesn’t mean others haven’t already managed to get their hands on one of these guys.

As proof of the existence of these new Glyos System toys take a look at this review at Plastic and Plush.

Click to read the review at Plastic and Plush.
Click to read the review at Plastic and Plush.

My favorite part of the review is this info from Matt:

“When an Armodoc defeats a Traveler it absorbs them into its body. An Armodoc is like a living prison cell, which feeds off the thing it holds captive.”

My Armodoc toys (I ordered one of each colorway) can’t get here fast enough. Hurry up, postal system!

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Armordoc Review at Plastic and Plush

  1. I hate that I missed these, but at the same time knowing that the new colorways will be coming soon eases the pain. When I saw the test shots of the clear armodoc I did not imagine it to be pink and white when colored, so I am very excited to see what is next.

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