Fenn Shysa, Not Boba Fett

Jodo Kast (action figure review here) wasn’t the only character in the Star Wars expanded universe of the eighties to wear the Mandalorian supercommando armor. Five years before we were introduced to Jodo Kast in a Star Wars roleplaying game adventure — Tatooine Manhunt* — Marvel brought us Fenn Shysa, an ally of the Rebel Alliance. Yes, this Boba Fett lookalike worked with the heroes, and he even kissed Princess Leia.

For the details — and an attempt at making the stories of the eighties mesh with the prequel trilogy — check the Fenn Shysa Star Wars Wikia entry. Or don’t. Fenn Shysa is an obscure and unusual character the world should probably forget . . . and I am not helping any of us to forget.

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