Dengar Was Once Zuckuss?

A few years ago, before they closed down, Gina and I grabbed a copy of Star Wars Year by Year* at Borders. The book is pretty damned amazing, covering Star Wars history from the creation of them film through 2010, and even though I’ve flipped through it many times I still discover new things.

For example, on p. 95 of the book we learn a little bit of a secret about Dengar in a small bit that is easy to miss:

“Although Lucasfilm initially designated Zuckuss as the bandaged-headed human bounty hunter, Kenner releases the action figure with the name Dengar, and transfers the name Zuckuss to the droid bounty hunter with the bulbous head and tarnished protocol droid body.”

Wait a sec. What?


So this means that three of the bounty hunters from The Empire Strikes Back all held the name “Zuckuss” at some point. And what I really want to know is: Did artist Mikael Noguchi knew about this when he painted the cover to issue six of Star Wars Gamer magazine ( search*)? I ask, because if Noguchi didn’t know about the history of the “Zuckuss” name then that cover is one hell of a coincidence.

Yeah, Star Wars Year by Year* was a great buy.

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