Spotted Online – Poe Ghostal Talks Star Wars Black Wave Four Rumors

Fans of the 6-inch Star Wars Black action figures ( search*) will want to take a look at Poe’s rumored wave four listing. If the rumored list is true I suspect it causes further damage to the line, if only because three or the four figures are prequel-era characters.

Visit Poe's site!
Visit Poe’s site!

When I speculated on the failure of the line last year (see “Five Reasons Why Hasbro’s “Star Wars Black” Will Fail”) the entire post was based on experience and my own sense of how things would shake out. I just hadn’t realized that my fifth reason — oversaturation — would happen so very fast. I mentioned finding too many Greedo and Leia action figures a few weeks ago (posted here), and now Poe’s rumored list has one of the wave three figures — Kenobi — carrying over into wave four.

Unless Hasbro finds a better mix for their release waves, and they clear the glut of Greedo and Leia action figures — see Double Dumb Ass on You’s Toy Hunting: Star Wars Black “Peg Warmers” Edition — things are not going to end well for Star Wars Black.

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6 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Poe Ghostal Talks Star Wars Black Wave Four Rumors

  1. I don’t understand what Hasbro is thinking in terms of the order they’re releasing figures. Why would they release a Sand Trooper before a standard Storm Trooper? I mean the standard StormTrooper is the backbone of a line like this, the kind of core figure that fans willing to drop $20 on a figure will buy multiple copies of. How in the heck is it possible that we’ll see a ROTS Anakin before a Classic Vader? And as much as I love Greedo, I find it Strange that we’d see such a minor (yet memorable) character before a standard Storm Trooper…

  2. If the rumored Wave 5 lineup is true, it will sell like crazy. The mystery would be why this rumored Wave 4 lineup even exists.

    I always wonder in these situations whether there are licensor mandates in toy lineups. Could Disney have told Hasbro to emphasize prequel characters more than they wanted to? Or perhaps even Lucas himself?

    Of course, we still need to see what the actual Wave 4 lineup proves to be. There’s still time to shuffle things around.

    And Phil, I still think you’re overestimating the current peg warming environment. Collectors toss the word “pegwarm” around pretty easily, but yesterday I hit Target, Walmart and TRU, and Target had a small but nice mix left and TRU – whose prices are higher – had a single Greedo.

    So I’m not giving up hope yet 🙂

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