Mugan Vox Defect and Great Customer Service

When I reviewed the KFC Justice Badbat toy earlier this week (review here) I would have loved to have included pics of the purple Badbat, but my Mugan Vox toy arrived with a defect and was so unusuable that I was certain I was out the $100 I spent on the set. Fortunately, though, Big Bad Toy Store responded within hours to my mail and quickly sent me a UPS label so that I could return the toy. AND they gave me the option of a replacement or a refund.

Visit Big Bad Toy Store!
Visit Big Bad Toy Store!

So I gave my office staff the UPS label, the boxed toy, and asked them to deal with packing and shipping Mugan Vox to Big Bad Toy Store. Within about a week BBTS contacted me again with a very simple and appreciated message:

We have received your return and processed your exchange. I have added your replacement figure to your current Pile of Loot and this will ship out to you at no charge when you release your Loot.

Very nice! Thank you to Erica at Big Bad Toy Store, both for dealing with this and for making the entire process so easy on me. I truly appreciate the quick service, and I am sure all of the Transforming Expectations project backers appreciate that Mugan Vox will appear in the book in a complete and undamaged form.

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