Google Trends – DC Universe Classics vs. Hot Wheels

If you’re still wondering why Mattel drove a nail through the heart of their DC Universe Classics action figure series ( search*) then maybe this quick Google Trends snapshot will illustrate why Mattel made the call they did.

Hot Wheels one of Mattel’s major brands, is significantly more popular than the DC Universe Classics line. And a company of Mattel’s size must cut costs and focus on their successes whenever possible. It’s business and nothing more.

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2 thoughts on “Google Trends – DC Universe Classics vs. Hot Wheels

  1. Which serves as a reminder to those think that Mattel is in business purely to vomit over every fanboys’ favorite properties. They’re not. They’re in the business of making money.

  2. @prfkttear – Yeah. And even when something makes money it may not make enough money to be worth the effort. Why spend staff time on a project that makes $1 profit when you could spend the same time on a product that makes 10x, 50x, or 100x that amount?

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