Star Wars: Rebels Full Trailer

In celebration of May the Fourth, has released the first full trailer for the upcoming new animated series, Star Wars: Rebels. I’m not so sure about the Mandalorian as a hero, but only because it feels to me as if they’re trying a little too hard.

Also, for reasons I cannot explain this full trailer feels weaker than the earlier character teasers that were released. Maybe it’s just old age and grumpiness on my part talking and you all should ignore me. Still, despite being less excited by the trailer than I expected I am looking forward to watching this once it’s released.

And take a look at the TIE Fighters in this screenshot from the new trailer. How can it be bad when there are TIE Fighters, Stormtroopers, and is set at the beginning of the Rebellion Era? Here’s me hoping this is as well-written and as much fun as it has been looking.

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6 thoughts on “Star Wars: Rebels Full Trailer

  1. Yeah, a female Mandalorian hero makes it seem more like fan fiction than an official product.

    1. I’ve no objection to heroic Mandalorian characters on the small screen, but I do find it curious that, to date, the ones we’ve seen are mostly women. The Clone Wars had Satine, Bo-Katan and the two cadets Lagos and Soniee, and now Rebels has this Sabine character. For non-evil named male Mandalorians, we’ve got Satine’s nephew and his academy classmate (neither of whom even get to wear armour), and if you want to really stretch it, one of Satine’s bodyguards who only gets identified about ten seconds before dying.

      As for the Sabine character within the context of the Rebels series, I agree that they really do seem to be trying too hard. Her whole design is so overwhelmingly committee-flavoured that some people have described her as a real-life example of The Simpsons‘ Poochie, but unfortunately, most (or at least the most vocal) commenters seem to be eating it up.

  2. Also, pretty sure that TIE Fighters aren’t supposed to be parked on their solar panels like that…

    1. @Jester – Were TIE Fighters ever shown docked/landed in the “official” setting? It’s possible part of the cleanup of the universe included changing TIE Fighter landing to match what we do with the toys instead of the “suspended” landing design.

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