25 Years Since AD&D Second Edition Hit Shelves

During 1989 the big news for roleplayers was the launch of TSR’s AD&D Second Edition roleplaying game (Amazon.com search*). For a decade players of Dungeons & Dragons had been gaming with the original AD&D manuals, and I can still remember the excitement of buying — and reading through! — each new release during 1989.

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Here we have TSR’s ad for the Second Edition Dungeon Master Guide* from a summer 1989 issue of G.I. Joe. I still remember being a little surprised that the DMG for the new edition was shorter than the Player’s Handbook. Today I completely understand why this happened, but that summer when the book was new I was a little bothered by the book’s page count.

25 years? Wow. I think I want to stop thinking about this now.

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2 thoughts on “25 Years Since AD&D Second Edition Hit Shelves

  1. Ah, my first RPG books that I ever owned! I played 1st ed D&D and Battletech but with borrowed books… it was the beautifully painted covers of 2nd Ed that drew me in and made me a consumer. The Monster Manual binder was one of the best products of the day!

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