Skeleton Warriors at the Glyos Transmission Web Log

The Glyos System-compatible Skeleton Warriors Kickstarter project has found its way to the Glyos Transmission Web Log, and as is usual Matt Doughty introduces some excellent thinking into the conversation when he also discusses the Boss Fight Studio project.

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Matt writes:

The fact that two fairly ambitious crowd funded action figure projects started on the same exact day is pretty wild, and I believe unprecedented in the history of Kickstarter. This really is a unique and exciting time to be an action figure collector and enthusiast.

I agree completely! With action figure sales suffering at retail (see yesterday’s post, “The New York Post on Action Figure Sales”) it is the independent toy companies and makers who could very well be the future of action figures. It isn’t that all action figure sales will vanish from stores, but I fully expect innovation and originality to come from the small guys long before the likes of Hasbro and Mattel tackle the oddball stuff.

Visionaries, Inhumanoids, even the nineties Skeleton Warriors: Those lines were strange and unexpected, and it’s unlikely such things will happen in big box stores again.