New Top Level Domain Snagged:

I’m not 100% certain how all of these new top level domains actually work — I know we’re in a pre-registration period and are now waiting for things to become real — but with the .toys TLD open for pre-orders I figured I would step in and snag one for myself. I went with since it leaves me plenty of openings to have fun, but I must admit that I did briefly consider That’s way too limiting, though.

The pre-registration process is no guarantee, but it’s a gamble I was willing to take. I may be hurting myself even posting this — what do I know about the web? — but I figure I’ll roll the dice and see how things turn out.

Anyway, now we wait and I scheme. I’ve got three or four pretty good ideas for the domain, but before I select one idea and run with it I want to let my brain keep working. Work, brain, work! What are my current ideas? Well, all of them revolve around the words “awesome” and “toys,” but rather than go into details now I think I’ll ask:

What would you do with a site named