That Was Fast! Star Wars Black Prototype Armor Boba Fett Gone?

Damn, that was quicker than I was expecting. The Walgreens exclusive Star Wars Black series ( search*) Boba Fett Prototype Armor action figure appears to already be gone. Just how many units did Walgreens order of this exclusive?

Visit Walgreens!
Visit Walgreens!

Checking eBay it appears that fans are already driving the price of this Prototype Armor Boba Fett through the roof, but I would be shocked if Hasbro and Walgreens didn’t open up at least a few more of these for pre-order. And I will be truly surprised if none of them find their way to Walgreens shelves; if the toy doesn’t make its way to store shelves then Walgreens and Hasbro will have missed a chance to get the toy in front of potential new buyers and missed the chance to get Star Wars Black fans into stores.

I guess I’m lucky I stumbled across the open pre-orders when I did; now I just wait for mine to arrive.

2 thoughts on “That Was Fast! Star Wars Black Prototype Armor Boba Fett Gone?

  1. And thanks to you stumbling on the preorder when you did and promptly publishing it, I got one too. So thanks!!

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