Ashley Wood’s World War Robot “Desert Combat Large Martin” Drops . . . and is gone.

That was quite sudden. Between when I last checked e-mail yesterday and this morning the latest toy based on the World War Robot books has been released and sold out at Bambaland.


Limited to 90 pieces, this 19-inch toy sold for $300/each. That’s a lotta bucks for a toy, but the run of 90 makes it perfectly clear why these vanished so fast.

You may have missed Desert Combat Large Martin but there’s still a chance for you to win an Ashley Wood World War Robot toy. Just check my review of the Square for details.

2 thoughts on “Ashley Wood’s World War Robot “Desert Combat Large Martin” Drops . . . and is gone.

  1. A chance to win One World War Robot ??? Whaooo ! I tought it was only for the Square… Anyway, ThreeA has enable me to discover your blog !! (I was looking for more informations about Squares)

  2. @Grograou – Sorry. I meant there’s a chance to win a Square, which is a WWR toy, and not a chance to win a different WWR toy.

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