Comics’ Greatest World: The Machine Issue Two Cover by Mike Mignola

One way in which to have a lot of fun is to pull down the comic boxes and start digging through the past, getting a look at just what oddities and gems may be hiding inside the boxes. Today I want to go all of the way back to 1993 for Dark Horse Comics and their Comics’ Greatest World experiment of the early nineties. The Wikipedia entry for the imprint can bring you up to speed if you want to know more, or there’s always the option of jumping in and just ordering some books and seeing what this is all about.

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But all of the previous words really mean nothing because the only reason we’re here right now is this cover to the second issue of The Machine. I cannot remember ever even trying to read this comic; the absolute only reason this is in my collection is because Hellboy comic series* creator Mike Mignola illustrated the cover. Man, it turns out I’ve been a Mignola fanboy for a hell of a long time.

4 thoughts on “Comics’ Greatest World: The Machine Issue Two Cover by Mike Mignola

  1. This is actually the second week of Steel Harbor issues rather than the second issue of The Machine. CGW started with 16 weekly comics broken across the 4 cities that were their settings. The Machine followed Barb Wire in the second set of stories with Wolf Gang and Motorhead finishing up that set.

    He did get a one shot a bit later if I remember correctly however.

  2. Oh man CGW – I have almost ALL of them through the second crossover – Will to Power – It NEVER got that good. But it did give us Ghost and X. So there.

    I actually own a page from one of the first 16 – I think it’s from the issue right before this.

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