Review – Transformers Generations Jetfire


Ultimately, the Transformers Generations Jetfire* is far cooler than I was expecting. Sure he’s got some hollow parts here and there, but the $40 to $45 price tag for this towering new Transformers toy is a great price and the final toy design is sweet. A clear winner from Hasbro and an awesome Christmas gift that’s just now starting to hit stores.

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Jet Mode

The new Transformers Generations Jetfire* is an awesome update on the 1985 toy design, bringing across that Robotech-like feel of the original toy while still being a completely new jet. And as with the original, the external components pop off to reveal a jet that’s far more traditional and less over-powered space fighter mode.

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Everything about the jet mode is great, including the swingwing feature and how the weapons snap onto the jet to heavily-arm it for battle. I prefer the loaded look, but I know some of you like that more F-14-like appearance so I’ve made sure to include a nice-sized pic (below) of the naked jet mode.

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Transformation Design

Generally, the Transformers Generations Jetfire* has exactly the sort of intuitive sort of transformation process I love . . . with one seriously annoying bit at the end where the nose of the jet can be a huge pain to deal with. Watching a review video — embedded below — made things all that much easier and I suggest using this video instead of Hasbro’s official (and awful) instructions.


Excuse me as I drool a little, but I think the Transformers Generations Jetfire* toy sculpt is perfect. Tall, powerful, and clearly Jetfire, this toy may be my favorite of Hasbro’s Transformers released in 2014. A remarkable entry into the line and a perfect celebration for the brand’s thirtieth anniversary.

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Red Chrome

Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Jetfire* features red chromed parts that I know some out there are unhappy with. In fact, there’s so little love for the red chrome that some have taken to stripping the chrome off of the parts (video posted here. Personally, I think the chrome looks great and I’m happy to let the toy remain as is. Shiny guns!

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When it comes to articulation and poseability the Transformers Generations Jetfire* toy works out just fine. It’s not the most poseable of action figures out there, but for a towering robot toy it’s got enough of a range of movement that I’m happy.

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Exploring the various articulation points we find:

  • Head – Ball-jointed neck.
  • Torso – No articulation at all. Okay, a waist swivel would have been fabulous here. I can admit that.
  • Arms – Ratcheting/swivel shoulders that have a swing-outward element, swivels at the biceps, and ratcheting-hinged elbows. There is no articulation in the wrists or hands.
  • Legs – The hips have a swivel ratchet that connects to the body and then an outward swivel ratchet (part of the transformation design but helps poseability), there’s also a swivel at the thigh and hinged knees and ankles complete the design.

I know ball-jointed ankles, swivel wrists, and a swivel waist would have assisted poseability but I truly am not all that bothered by the lack of those joints. The toy’s so big and fun that what Hasbro gave us here works just fine for me.

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Removable Helmet

The Transformers Generations Jetfire* includes effectively two faces, allowing you to display either a Skyfire-like cartoon character design or a Generation One Jetfire toy-inspired figure. The outer helmet slides up and off to reveal the face; check the below pic for the humanoid face hiding beneath the helmet.

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Closing Thoughts

I in no way own all of the Transformers toys that Hasbro has released this year, but out of everything I’ve bought and played with I can say that this Transformers Generations Jetfire* is my absolute favorite one of their Transformers toys released in 2014. The $40 to $45 price point feels like a bargain for the size and weight of the toy and everything about it takes me back to holding that original Jetfire back in 1985.

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Awesome job, Hasbro, and a toy I am quite happy to recommend that every single Transformers Generation One fan rush out and buy right now. I’ve got this one on display in my living room with several other Transformers toys and it fits in perfectly with the G1-inspired toys I own, making this a modern toy with a real eighties feel. It’s definitely impressive and would make a great Christmas present for any Transformers fan.

7 thoughts on “Review – Transformers Generations Jetfire

  1. Nice write up! Jetfire was, by far, my favorite G1 toy, so I was completely psyched when pics of this guy started popping up on the various Transformers sites. Because he was my favorite, I went ahead and sprung for the Takara version which features more paint apps and zero chrome. The Takara deco gets an already beautiful figure quite a bit closer to the G1 toy, which is exactly how I want to roll! I do have to admit, however, that it’s been really hard not to get the Hasbro version simply because I want this toy so bad, and the wait for the import toy is so much longer. I’m pretty envious of everyone who already has him in hand!

  2. Great review!

    I’m waiting on mine from, but I actually have the Takara version on preorder from BBTS. I figured I could get my hands on that one now and decide if getting the import is worth it. I’m really curious to see how he looks with my classics display, I have the Universe version now, but he does look kinda of small in robot mode.

    Also, ReproLabels is coming out with a new set for this version that will rival the Takara release. I don’t care much for the red chrome, but I do like it on the fastback engine. I’ll probably remove it from his weapons and do a little painting.

  3. Absolutely fantastic release, I’d like to think all this 3rd party awesomeness is the cause for the slew of new and great Hasbro toys.

  4. I was really worried about the stationary wrists, but it turns out not having those swivels there doesn’t bother me that much. They did a really great job with the design, and the robotech faceplate makes the whole figure for me.
    It fits perfectly, and is just a great option to have.

  5. Great review! I haven’t been happy with the last few Transformers I’ve picked up — and Jetfire’s pricetag was a little off putting, but I really love this toy. Definitely my favorite non-MP Transformer of 2014!!!

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