Mike Mignola’s Phantom Stranger Covers of 1987

Here’s another batch of ancient fun for you guys. Mike Mignola penciled the DC Phantom Stranger mini-series of 1987, and about seven or eight years ago I picked up all four issues dirt cheap. The interior art is a bit rough in spots — you can watch as Mignola finds his own visual voice throughout the eighties as he builds to the classic Batman: Gotham by Gaslight* and Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure* books — but the covers are pure Mignola and it is clear he sunk a lot of himself into these illustrations. Great! Check them out and enjoy.

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2 thoughts on “Mike Mignola’s Phantom Stranger Covers of 1987

  1. Some great work here. I came across a TPB today at my library that had some Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez art from 2009 and from the early 80s — great stuff in both, really cool to see the contrast and growth in style too.

  2. By 1987 I was already a pretty big Phantom Stranger fan, and thus, I bought them when they were released monthly. Doesn’t hurt I was probably buying 90% of DCs output – remember this was the hey-day of Man of Steel/Dark Knight/etc.

    It’s a great series. Always find it in the cheap sections, they ran the presses.

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