A Wizard Magazine Peek at Kenner Star Wars Action Figures from May, 1998

Star Wars fans, check out this two-page spread from the May, 1998 issue of Wizard Magazine (Amazon.com search*) and try to remember what things were like at that time. This was before Episode I hit theaters and shattered the dream and back when Kenner Star Wars action figures were still blowing out at retail. It wasn’t quite the heyday of the 1996/1997 time at retail, but 1998 was still a very strong time for the brand (not that it’s weak today) and seeing these old pages sure sparks some memories.

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Probably the only other way to really remember that time is through a book like The Star Wars Action Figure Archive*, truly a product of the nineties. I love that book and find it more entertaining than the newer Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection*. The newer book may be much more “complete,” but the earlier one strikes me as the more nostalgic and enjoyable of the two titles.